
Oct ' 22  Learning fast and slow  # random-musing 
Social media`s affect on how we perceive the difficulty of a task.
Jan ' 17  The desire to belong  # introspection 
Ever traced your way back to how you met someone? How did the conversation begin? How slowly they became a part of you? Well, here’s me tracing my way back to a general meet…
Jan ' 17  A letter to myself this New Year  # looking-back 
2016 was a year as the others, a mixed bag of lessons, smiles, tears, love. So here is a letter from the old me to the new me reminding her of the lessons learnt, the things lost, and the encouragement to move on.
Dec ' 16  A shadow in the crowd (I)  # floating-characters 
In our day-to-day busy schedule, we get so involved that we often fail to notice the person sitting next to us in the metro. We have no idea of them- their life, their dreams, their nightmares. But there are several amazing people around us in the crowd. I prefer calling them “Shadows in the crowd”. This story is about one such shadow…like our previous Huna.
Dec ' 16  Lost & Found  # floating-characters 
Stuck at her monotonous life, Rasti has been slowly losing herself. Here is Rasti tried sorting out her life, like us!
Dec ' 16  A shadow in the crowd (I)  # floating-characters 
In our day-to-day busy schedule, we get so involved that we often fail to notice the person sitting next to us in the metro. We have no idea of them- their life, their dreams, their nightmares. But there are several amazing people around us in the crowd. I prefer calling them “Shadows in the crowd”. This story is about one such shadow…..