Lightweight Verification of Hyperproperties

Oyendrila DobeStefan SchuppEzio BartocciBorzoo BonakdarpourAxel LegayMiroslav PajicYu Wang

André, É., Sun, J. (eds) ATVA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14216
⟨ ATVA 2023 ⟩


Hyperproperties have been widely used to express system properties like noninterference, observational determinism, conformance, robustness, etc. However, the model checking problem for hyperproperties is challenging due to its inherent complexity of verifying properties across sets of traces and suffers from scalability issues. Previously, statistical approaches have proven effective in tackling the scalability of model checking for temporal logic. In this work, we have attempted to combine these two concepts to propose a tractable solution to model checking of hyperproperties expressed as HyperLTL on models involving nondeterminism. We have implemented our approach in PLASMA and experimented with a range of case studies to showcase its effectiveness.ibuted self-stabilizing systems. We also propose a model checking algorithm for verifying Markov Decision Processes against HyperPCTL with rewards and report experimental results.

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